Thursday, March 5, 2015

World of Modular 2015

by David Tompos

For 31 years, hundreds of modular construction professionals have been meeting to network with peers and exchange ideas, learn from experts and display new products, as well as recognizing industry leaders and discussing current issues. 
As the industry’s longest running and largest event, it’s one of the best places to share, learn and discover all the latest and greatest in the modular world. As a nationally recognized service provider, NTA will, once again, be on hand to share our expertise, gained from over 39 years in the housing industry.

From daily breakout sessions to product displays to networking events, the 4 day event is filled with information you won’t want to miss!  Registration is easy, simply head over to the World of Modular Home Page and click the gold “Register” bar on the right hand side!

Bring your questions about testing, inspection, certification, engineering, design, code compliance or any other topic, to NTA’s industry experts at Booth #305! For more information about World of Modular, or other trade events NTA will be participating in, please, contact us!

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