Wednesday, April 9, 2014

ENERGY STAR® Tax Credit Extension For Manufactured Housing

JUST ONE MORE REASON…             
Manufactured home builders often wonder what benefits will come their way by building more energy efficient homes.  Will it bring me more sales? Will it increase my costs? Will the price increase necessary to cover these costs be too much? Will building ENERGY STAR rated homes benefit me in the long run? The answer is YES! Beyond the more obvious reasons of lower customer utility bills, higher customer satisfaction, increased sales and  a higher quality home, there is the addition of the section 45L Tax Credit.
Due to various budget debates, several ‘tax extender’ bills failed to receive approval, one of which was the section 45L Tax Credit for energy efficient new homes, including manufactured homes.
Now, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee Ron Wyden (D-OR) has developed a “Chairman’s Mark” of credit provisions he proposes for committee action, one of which is an extension of the 45L Tax Credit.

Section 45L allows a manufactured home builder to receive a $1,000  tax credit for each home built that conforms to Federal manufactured home construction and safety standards, “provided all the criteria for the credit are met (Description of the Chairman’s Mark of the “Expiring Provisions Improvement Reform and Efficiency (EXPIRE) Act”, April 1, 2014, page 74).”
In order to provide our clients the best service, NTA, Inc is always watching for any laws and regulations that will affect them.  By keeping abreast of the developments for this extension, and partnering with ENERGY STAR, we can offer manufactured home builders the best, most current advice and guidance on building energy efficient, quality housing.
NTA, Inc is recommending that you contact your representative and tell them how important this tax credit is to the manufactured housing industry.  It encourages more builders to meet ENERGY STAR standards, which can only aid in the areas of housing and economics.
NTA, Inc is always on top of the latest developments in the manufactured housing area, so we are your best choice for plant certification, HER’s raters, feild testing and product verification.  Contact us today for more information on all the services we offer.  Meet our team of highly trained, knowledgable individuals who have years of experience in partnering with the manufactured housing industry.

You can download a pdf of JCX-26-14 ((Description of the Chairman’s Mark of the “Expiring Provisions Improvement Reform and Efficiency (Expire) Act”) here.

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