It’s no secret that millions of baby boomers are retiring
every year, increasing the need for retirement-style housing and creating a
boom in the assisted living housing market. Whether they move in with family,
or choose a retirement community, modular structures are capable of providing a
cost-effective solution.
retirees move in with family, a single family home can become crowded, quickly!
Over the last several years, modular builders have come up with some creative
options for multi-generational living. Some modular companies are building
standalone units that can be positioned next to a family home. These are often
called “ADU’s” or, Accessory Dwelling Units, and can range from 300 to 1,800
square feet (read AARP’s blog “Prefab
‘In-law’ Cottages Mix High-tech Features, Comfort”). Other modular
companies are creating multi-generational family homes that include a separate
living area for aging parents, including separate entrances. These homes
contain entirely separate personal quarters, and a “common area” (here is a
good article by the LA Times “Multigenerational
homes for modern families”). Modular additions are another option,
regardless of how your home was built.

choice for many retirees is an assisted living facility or retirement
community. Again, modular builders have stepped up to the plate. Palomar
Modular, Champion Commercial, Ritz-Craft, Spectrum – these are just a few of
the modular builders who are designing and building multi-family structures
specifically for the baby-boomer retirees. Modular facilities offers many
appealing design options like privacy, a home-like setting, social common
areas, the ability to build facilities in urban areas, and more (a good article
on the benefits of modular senior living can be found on the BDCNetwork, “10
top design trends in senior living facilities”).
How do you see yourself living in retirement? A separate
module near your family, a multi-generational home, or would you prefer a
hospitality style senior living facility? Post your comments below, we look
forward to hearing your opinions!
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